Weekly Update Week of Jan. 20th, 2025 Memberships are now due for 2025. $25 for a whole year of belonging! American Mahjongg Social – This Saturday, January 18th at 12:30 pm. Cost $5. Come and enjoy playing and socializing. Min. 12 participants. Fluid Dance- Tuesdays 12:45pm- Room for new participants - You don’t need a partner. We just dance! Jive, cha cha, salsa, and fluid dance. Dances are taught in front of mirrors so it’s less intimidating for a new dancer. Call the Centre to get on the list. Meet the Board of Directors - January 22nd at 3:00 – All Welcome!
Valentines for Vets- A few ladies in the Creative Seniors Craft Group are making “Valentines for Vets” for residents of the Veterans Health Unit, Fredericton. Do you have a friend or family member who is a vet you’d like to make a valentine for? Come join them on Thursdays Jan 23rd and 30th at 1:30pm. You are welcome to bring your personal craft project and work along with others. Lunch around Freddy - Friday, Jan. 24th at 11:30 - Swiss Chalet Restaurant. Sign up before noon on the 23rd at the Centre if you are interested in joining in! Bridge Marathon- Saturday, January 25th- doors open at 9:00 am and you start to play at 10:00am. Cost is $10. Lunch is provided. Sign up at the Centre by noon on Monday, January 20th. Lunch options are Honey Garlic Chicken Bites, Lasagna w/ Garlic Bread, or Corn Chowder. Note: going with what the majority selects. We are looking for donations of 250ml Mason Jam Jars only. We Do not use smaller or larger bottles. Community The Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick is presenting - Caregiver Grief and Support Group – This is a 6-week series for family and friends who have lost someone due to dementia to explore, share, and listen on the journey with grief. Starting January 21st to February 25th. This is virtually. All are welcome to join this free program. Contact: [email protected] or call 1-800-664-8411. The Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick Memory Café - The Memory Café is a free monthly program for people living with all stages of dementia and their families to meet others, learn, and have fun. 2:00-4:00pm on Jan 19th, Feb 16th, Mar 16th and Apr 13th at St. Thomas University- Brian Mulroney Hall- 51 Dineen Drive, Fredericton. Join us to connect and enjoy refreshments. For more information: [email protected], 506-459-4280, or www.alzheimer.ca/nb Housing Needs Assessment The City of Fredericton is currently updating its housing needs and would like to hear from as many residents as possible. Here’s how to participate before January 29. - Go to https://engagefredericton.ca/housing-needs-assessment Centre for Innovation and Aging -They are looking for participants for a research study on human rights. They want older adults, organizations, industry partners and decision makers. Participation includes: Signing a Consent Form and completing surveys to help create a new database of helpful resources. You can participate as little or as much as you like. An interview is optional. Contact: (506) 444-3880 ext 2562 or [email protected] Upcoming Breakfast - Saturday, Feb 1st from 8:00 to 11:00am. Cost is $10 for a hot, freshly prepared full breakfast! [email protected] 506-450-7849 https://www.steppingstoneseniorcentre.com Storm Policy When schools are closed in the Fredericton region (Zone 6) due to weather and road conditions, the Centre is closed for the day.
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