Stepping Stone Senior Centre is closed today, February 13th due to anticipated weather conditions.
Weekly Update
Week of Feb. 10th, 2025 Memberships are now due for 2025 $25 for a whole year of belonging! Movie – This Saturday, February 8th at 1:30pm- “THELMA”- This movie puts a clever spin on movies like MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE, shining the spotlight on an elderly grandmother as an unlikely action hero. Bring your own snacks (BYOS) Forum: Positive Mental Health in Later Life - Wednesday, Feb 12th at 10:30am Presented by Janet Durkee Lloyd, PhD, St. Thomas University. This workshop is a great starting point to learn about mental health, mental illness and addiction. We’ll answer your questions and help you understand what can affect your mental health in later life. You’ll leave with new ways to stay well and knowing where to turn to for support. The last workshop in this 3-part series will be on March 12th at 10:30am. Learn to Row- New class starting Friday, February 14th at 9:30am- Sign up at the Centre. Cost is $60 for 5 weeks. Bridge Marathon- Saturday, February 15th - Doors open at 9:00am and play starts at 10:00. Cost is $10 with lunch included (options are Honey Garlic Chicken Bites, Lasagna & Garlic Bread, or Corn Chowder). Sign up at the Centre by noon on Wednesday, February 12th. Scrabble Tournament – Sunday, February 16th starting at 1:00pm. Cost is $5. Please sign up at the Centre. Upcoming Out and About- Wednesday, February 19 at 1:30pm- A second planning meeting is being held at the Centre. Ideas, suggestions and questions will be encouraged. Time will be provided to consider structure and operation. We will ascertain how well the current communication method is working and consider adjustments. All members are invited to attend. Guests will be welcomed. . Seniors Stretch and Strength- Starting Thursday, February 20th at 2:00pm. Cost is $12.00 per class. Gentle strengthening exercises followed by a nice relaxing stretch. This class can be done seated or standing. Lunch around Freddy- Friday, February 21st at 11:30am at the Delta’s STMR 36 BBQ & Social. Please sign up at the Centre before noon on Thursday Feb 20th. Beginner Guitar lessons- Welcome to Edward’s Basic Guitar for Beginners starting Monday, February 24th at 3:15pm. Cost $10.00 per session. In this course you will be guided on the aspects of the guitar and how to make music. Some of the topics you will cover are the parts of the guitar the differences between acoustic and electric guitars. How tune your guitar. You will learn basic strumming techniques and you will learn how to play songs. We will travel this learning journey together and by the end of this course you will have the confidence to pick-up your guitar and play for your family and friends. AGM Toonie Lunch- Wednesday February 26th- More information to come. Stepping Stone Senior Centre Annual General Meeting- To be held at the Centre, Wednesday, February 26th at 1:30pm. Copy of all reports are now available at the Centre. All members are invited and encouraged to attend! Ongoing Cryptic Crossword - Sessions are held every Tuesday at 1.00 p.m. Join us in using general knowledge, trivia from around the world and word gymnastics to solve the clues provided in the puzzles, all carried out with a lot of laughter. Have fun and maintain mental fitness! One of our favorite cryptic crossword setters, John Halpern, says: "At a time (in the COVID era), when we are talking more about mental health, getting people into puzzle solving, which can ward off dementia, has got to help." Even if you cannot attend every week, feel free to drop in, share in the lively discussion and expand your vocabulary. Crossword puzzles are provided free of charge (including extra ones to take home with you to solve at your leisure). Puzzles are solved in a collaborative fashion with everyone having a chance to participate. Community Knitted Mittens for Kids and Teens - The Student Hunger Program Manager with the Fredericton Community Kitchens is currently looking for knitters who would like to give back to local kids and teens. They are in need of mittens to distribute at the Grab and Go Breakfast service at the Done Street Community Centre. This service provides students with a quick breakfast and snacks before they catch their bus to school, and they have noticed an increase in students without mittens on cold mornings. Drop them at the Stepping Stone Senior Centre and they will be delivered. If you don't have any yarn, we have extra available for you at the Centre. Sexual Violence New Brunswick- is recruiting volunteers for their support line. Involvement with the volunteer training gives folks the opportunity to gain experience, knowledge, and skills. The next volunteer training will begin on February 26th. Questions? Support Line Coordinator, Taryn at [email protected] Connecting Generations, Creating Homes The University of New Brunswick has partnered with Spaces Shared, a platform that connects people who have a spare bedroom in their home with students looking for affordable housing. This initiative aims to provide students with more affordable and accessible housing options. There are 100 students at UNB looking for intergenerational housing. Contact Sherrie Lynch at [email protected] Providing Feedback The Centre is interested in hearing back from members! If you have roses or bricks, please let us know. Send us an email! If there is an activity or program you’d like to see the Centre offer, let us know! [email protected] 506-450-7849 Storm Policy When schools are closed in the Fredericton region (Zone 6) due to weather and road conditions, the Centre is closed for the day. Weekly Update
Week of Feb. 3rd, 2025 Memberships are now due for 2025. $25 for a whole year of belonging! Breakfast - This Saturday, Feb 1st from 8:00 to 11:00am. Cost is $10 for a hot, freshly prepared full breakfast! This breakfast is being sponsored by the Intercultural Centre. A second 24 form Tai chi class with Jennifer Mok- Beginning Monday, February 3rd at 9:15 am. Cost is $5. Sign up at the Centre or just come in for the first class. Forum: Book Launch - Bearing Witness to Antisemitism - Poems by Larry Finkelman- Guide for Educators by Jasmine Kranat Wednesday, February 5 at 3:00 pm. Larry will talk about why he wanted to publish the book at this time, the back story of some of the poems, read a few of the poems, and answer questions about the self-publishing process with Amazon KDP for anyone interested. The book is currently available at Westminster Books and on Amazon. Movie - Saturday, February 8th at 1:30pm- “THELMA”- This movie puts a clever spin on movies like MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE, shining the spotlight on an elderly grandmother as an unlikely action hero. Bring your own snacks (BYOS) Forum: A 3-part series presented by Janet Durkee Lloyd, PhD St. Thomas University- 2 workshops remaining. Wednesday, Feb 12th at 10:30am Positive Mental Health in Later Life. This workshop is a great starting point to learn about mental health, mental illness and addictions. We’ll answer your questions and help you understand what can affect your mental health in later life. You’ll leave with new ways to stay well and knowing where to turn to for support. The last workshop will be on March 12th at 10:30am Upcoming Bridge Marathon- Saturday, February 15th - Doors open at 9:00am and play starts at 10:00. Cost is $10. Lunch is included and will be Lunch options are Honey Garlic Chicken Bites, Lasagna w/ Garlic Bread, or Corn Chowder. Sign up at the Centre by noon on Wednesday, February 12th. Learn to Row- New class staring Friday, February 14th at 9:30am- Sign up at the Centre. Cost is $60 for 5 weeks. Cryptic Crossword - Sessions are held every Tuesday at 1.00 p.m. Join us in using general knowledge, trivia from around the world and word gymnastics to solve the clues provided in the puzzles, all carried out with a lot of laughter. Even if you cannot attend every week, feel free to drop in, share in the lively discussion and expand your vocabulary. Crossword puzzles are provided free of charge (including extra ones to take home with you to solve at your leisure). Puzzles are solved in a collaborative fashion with everyone having a chance to participate. Stepping Stone Senior Centre Annual General Meeting- To be held the Centre, Wednesday, February 26th at 1:30pm Community Connecting Generations, Creating Homes The University of New Brunswick has partnered with Spaces Shared, a platform that connects people who have a spare bedroom in their home with students looking for affordable housing. This initiative aims to provide students with more affordable and accessible housing options. There are 100 students at UNB looking for Intergenerational housing. Contact Sherrie Lynch at [email protected] Centre for Innovation and Aging - Seeking older adults, organizations, industry partners and decision makers for a research study on human rights. Participation includes: signing a Consent Form and completing surveys to help create a new database of helpful resources. You can participate as little or as much as you like. An interview is optional. Contact: (506) 444-3880 ext 2562 or [email protected] At Johnston Avenue Senior Centre – Contact Kathryn Baird at 506-260-0605or [email protected] to register.
[email protected] 506-450-7849 Storm Policy When schools are closed in the Fredericton region (Zone 6) due to weather and road conditions, the Centre is closed for the day. We invite you to follow us on Facebook – Stepping Stone Senior Centre Inc. Today, Monday January 20th, Stepping Stone Senior Centre is closed due to weather and road conditions.
Weekly Update Week of Jan. 20th, 2025 Memberships are now due for 2025. $25 for a whole year of belonging! American Mahjongg Social – This Saturday, January 18th at 12:30 pm. Cost $5. Come and enjoy playing and socializing. Min. 12 participants. Fluid Dance- Tuesdays 12:45pm- Room for new participants - You don’t need a partner. We just dance! Jive, cha cha, salsa, and fluid dance. Dances are taught in front of mirrors so it’s less intimidating for a new dancer. Call the Centre to get on the list. Meet the Board of Directors - January 22nd at 3:00 – All Welcome!
Valentines for Vets- A few ladies in the Creative Seniors Craft Group are making “Valentines for Vets” for residents of the Veterans Health Unit, Fredericton. Do you have a friend or family member who is a vet you’d like to make a valentine for? Come join them on Thursdays Jan 23rd and 30th at 1:30pm. You are welcome to bring your personal craft project and work along with others. Lunch around Freddy - Friday, Jan. 24th at 11:30 - Swiss Chalet Restaurant. Sign up before noon on the 23rd at the Centre if you are interested in joining in! Bridge Marathon- Saturday, January 25th- doors open at 9:00 am and you start to play at 10:00am. Cost is $10. Lunch is provided. Sign up at the Centre by noon on Monday, January 20th. Lunch options are Honey Garlic Chicken Bites, Lasagna w/ Garlic Bread, or Corn Chowder. Note: going with what the majority selects. We are looking for donations of 250ml Mason Jam Jars only. We Do not use smaller or larger bottles. Community The Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick is presenting - Caregiver Grief and Support Group – This is a 6-week series for family and friends who have lost someone due to dementia to explore, share, and listen on the journey with grief. Starting January 21st to February 25th. This is virtually. All are welcome to join this free program. Contact: [email protected] or call 1-800-664-8411. The Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick Memory Café - The Memory Café is a free monthly program for people living with all stages of dementia and their families to meet others, learn, and have fun. 2:00-4:00pm on Jan 19th, Feb 16th, Mar 16th and Apr 13th at St. Thomas University- Brian Mulroney Hall- 51 Dineen Drive, Fredericton. Join us to connect and enjoy refreshments. For more information: [email protected], 506-459-4280, or Housing Needs Assessment The City of Fredericton is currently updating its housing needs and would like to hear from as many residents as possible. Here’s how to participate before January 29. - Go to Centre for Innovation and Aging -They are looking for participants for a research study on human rights. They want older adults, organizations, industry partners and decision makers. Participation includes: Signing a Consent Form and completing surveys to help create a new database of helpful resources. You can participate as little or as much as you like. An interview is optional. Contact: (506) 444-3880 ext 2562 or [email protected] Upcoming Breakfast - Saturday, Feb 1st from 8:00 to 11:00am. Cost is $10 for a hot, freshly prepared full breakfast! [email protected] 506-450-7849 Storm Policy When schools are closed in the Fredericton region (Zone 6) due to weather and road conditions, the Centre is closed for the day. Weekly Update Week of Jan 13th, 2025 Memberships are now due for 2025. $25 for a whole year of belonging! Fluid Dance- Tuesdays 12:45pm- Room for new participants- You don’t need a partner. We just dance! Jive, cha cha, salsa, and fluid dance. Dances are taught in front of mirrors so that it’s less intimidating for a new dancer. Call the Centre to get on the list. Forums – A 3-part series presented by Janet Durkee Lloyd, PhD (St. Thomas University) Wednesday, Jan. 15th at 10:30am - Understanding Mental Health and Well-being Later in Life. This workshop is a great starting point to learn about mental health, mental illness and addictions. We’ll answer your questions and help you understand what can affect your mental health in later life. You’ll leave with new ways to stay well and knowing where to turn to for support. The next two in the series are scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 12th and Wednesday, March 12th at 10:30am Beginner Bridge Lessons- Starting Wednesday January 15th at 1:00pm. If you have ever wanted to learn how to play, come and enjoy socializing while you learn! Cost is $25 for 8 weeks. Meeting of interest- Out and About – A New Program Proposal to be discussed on January 16th at 1:30pm - Would you love to go out but not on your own? The city is teeming with places to go and things to do. From art exhibits to concerts, book launches to fairs, plays to parades. If you would like to “get out" but prefer the company of friends, please attend this meeting at the Centre. Valentines for Vets- A few ladies in the Creative Seniors Craft Group are making “Valentines for Vets” for residents of the Veterans Health Unit, Fredericton. Do you have a friend or family member who is a vet you’d like to make a valentine for? Come join them on Thursday Jan 16th,24th, 31st at 1:30pm. Upcoming American Mahjongg Social- Saturday, January 18th at 12:30 pm. Cost $5. Come and enjoy playing and socializing. Min 12 participants. Meet the Board of Directors - January 22nd at 3:00 – All Welcome!
Lunch around Freddy- Friday, Jan. 24th at 11:30 - Swiss Chalet Restaurant. Sign up at the Centre if you are interested in joining in! Call out: We are looking for donations of 250ml Jam Jars. Community Wheels To Meals – Tuesday, January 14 at 11 am, St. Mary’s Anglican Church, McEvoy St. Meals on Wheels of Fredericton offers a hot, freshly prepared, 3-course lunch for $10 including transportation to and from by a volunteer, if you want it. No tax. Call 506-458-9482 to register by Monday (13th) at 10 am. The Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick is presenting - Caregiver Grief and Support Group – This is a 6-week series for family and friends who have lost someone due to dementia to explore, share, and listen on your journey with grief. Starting January 21st to February 25th. This is done virtually. All are welcome to join this free program. Contact: email- [email protected] or call 1-800-664-8411. The Alzheimer Society pf New Brunswick- Memory Café- The Memory Café is a fee monthly program for people living with all stages of dementia and their families to meet others, learn, and have fun. 2:00-4:00pm Jan 19th, Feb 16th, Mar 16th and Apr 13th at St. Thomas University- Brian Mulroney Hall- 51 Dineen Drive Fredericton. Join us to connect, chat, learn, have fun and enjoy refreshments. All are welcome to join this free program. For more information: [email protected], 506-459-4280, or Housing Needs Assessment The City of Fredericton is currently updating its Housing Needs Assessment and would like to hear from as many residents as possible. Here’s how to participate: - Go to website - The survey will come up to click on. - The survey closes on January 29. [email protected] 506-450-7849 Storm Policy When schools are closed in the Fredericton region (Zone 6) due to weather and road conditions, the Centre is closed for the day. The Stepping Stone Senior Centre are looking for someone to teach Beginner Guitar lessons. If interested, please contact Coordinator Krista Wilson at 506-450-7849 or [email protected]
Weekly Update Week of Jan 6th, 2025 Breakfast- Saturday, January 4th from 8am to 11 am. Cost is $10. Everyone welcome! This breakfast is sponsored by Parkland Fredericton. American Mahjongg- Lessons restarting Jan. 7th at 10:00am. New participants welcome. Darts- Anyone interested, let’s get together on Tuesday January 7th at 1:00pm Core Strength and Mobility- Starting Tuesday, January 7th at 10:30am and Thursday, January 9th at 11:45am. $140 once a week, $200 for twice a week for 10 weeks or $15 for drop in. Functional Mobility- Starting Tuesday, January 7th at 11:30am and Thursday, January 9th at 10:30am. $140 once a week, $200 for twice a week for 10 weeks or $15 for drop in. Wednesday Line dancing at the Intercultural Centre: Starting January 8th Improver is now at 12:15 and Beginner is at 11:15. Intermediate 1 at 9:00am and Intermediate 2 at10:00am remain the same. Canasta- Restarting Thursday January 9th at 1:00pm Learn to row – Starting Friday, January 10th at 9:30am- $50 for 5 Weeks. Rowing for fitness- Starting Friday, January 10th at 10:30am and 11:30am - $120 for 10 weeks. Memberships are now due for 2025. $25 for a whole year of belonging! Upcoming Forums – A 3-part series presented by Janet Durkee Lloyd, PhD Wednesday, Jan. 15th at 10:30am - Understanding Mental Health and Well-being Later in Life. This workshop is a great starting point to learn about mental health, mental illness and addictions. We’ll answer your questions and help you understand what can affect your mental health in later life. You’ll leave with new ways to stay well and knowing where to turn to for support. The next two in the series are scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 12th and Wednesday, March 12th at 10:30am Call out: We are looking for donations of 250ml Jam Jars. Beginner Bridge Lessons- Starting January 15th at 1:00pm. If you have ever wanted to learn how to play, come and learn how to! Cost is $25 for 8 weeks. Meeting of interest- Out and About – A New Program Proposal to be discussed on January 16th at 1:30pm - Would you love to go out but not on your own? The city is teeming with places to go and things to do. From art exhibits to concerts, book launches to fairs, plays to parades. If you would like to “get out" but prefer the company of friends, please attend this meeting at the Centre. Meet the Board of Directors - January 22nd at 3:00
Lunch around Freddy- Friday, Jan. 24th at 11:30 - Swiss Chalet Restaurant. Sign up at the Centre if you are interested in joining in! Community The Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick is presenting - Caregiver Grief and Support Group – This is a 6-week series for family and friends who have lost someone due to dementia to explore, share and listen on you journey with grief. Starting January 21st to February 25th. This is done virtually. All are welcome to join this free program. Contact: email- [email protected] or call 1-800-664-8411. [email protected] 506-450-7849 Storm Policy When schools are closed in the Fredericton region (Zone 6) due to weather and road conditions, the Centre is closed for the day. |